Judy ~ we have a couple of friends who are giving us gray hairs! They can't seem to get enough of us but it's driving us crazy. They don't leave at appropriate times and we often find ourselves the unwelcome recipients of extra guests for dinner. How do we fix this? Alana and Mike - Canberra, Australia
Alana and Mike
Thanks for your question. It's clear that you have been caught up in an emotional trap and are feeling a lack of control over the situation. All you need to do is to set boundaries. Become more assertive with this couple. For example "We are going to have our dinner now. Can we call you later?" and gently usher them towards the front door. Don't be impolite. Just ensure they understand.
Hello Judy
Please tell me you can help! I have a friend who has begun to flirt outrageously with my husband since her divorce. I don't want to lose her. Looking forward to your advice! Virginia, Houston, Texas
Hello Virginia
You say you do not want to lose this friend but the question here is, do you want to lose your husband?
If this was a true friend she would not be behaving in this way and she would respect you and leave your husband alone.
You will have to decide which one of these people mean more to you. One of them has to go or you could stand to lose both.
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Thank You For Asking Judy