Since my boyfriend and I broke up six months ago I feel as if I have lost the will to live. Please tell me what I can do. I hate myself like this.
Marinda, Milwaukee
Dear Marinda
I am pleased you wrote in.
What you describe here is a normal grief process, for whenever we lose someone or something dear, depression is a natural reaction. It allows our body's to relax to recover from shock and keeps us insulated so that we can think about where things went wrong so that we don't repeat ourselves.
If you do not "bounce back" soon, I would really suggest that you see your doctor. You have a typical reactive depression. The doctor can prescribe medication to help you through this patch (a course of antidepressants) and some therapy. That would be the way to go if you are clinically depressed and this depression of your may have shifted paradigms from reactive to clinical depression.
Let your doctor be the judge.
Kind regards
Dear Judy
I am desperate for some advice. I have stopped eating, going out, I sleep a lot more (in fact, I don't want to get up or leave my room some days). I can't study, I feel miserable all day long and have trouble sleeping. How will I get through my exams in this state? I am sure I will fail.
Patrick, Arizona
Dear Patrick
What you describe here is probably a severe depression. Have you undergone recent trauma such as a house-breaking, car accident or lost someone close to you? There are many reasons why we can be thrown into a depressive state. If you would like to look at some of the examples of the types of stressful life challenges which can lead to depression.
Your first course of action is to see your family doctor who will decide whether you are suffering from a deep-seated depression and/or a chronic fatigue illness.
Kind regards
NB: For anyone who has suicidal thoughts - either speak to someone close to you whom you can trust or phone:
Suicide Hot Line USA: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Suicide Hot Line Information in the UK and elsewhere: NO SUICIDE HOTLINE IN YOUR AREA? - If you've searched the suicide hotline listings, but could not find one for your area, keep in mind that some crisis centers may provide an 800 number. You may call this 800 number even if the center is not in your area. You may also call 1-800-784-2433 or 1-800-273-8255 from anywhere in the U.S.PHONE BOOK - The White or Yellow Pages of the phone book should also have these types of listings. Many phone books will have these in the front.
EMAIL CRISIS ASSISTANCE - You can get crisis assistance online by contacting the Samaritans. They offer assistance via email. They also may be contacted via telephone for those in the UK. Click here to obtain email assistance now: The Samaritans Web Site.
911 - If all else fails, contact your local emergency number and tell them you are feeling suicidal and need help.
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Thank You For Asking Judy