Jan 7, 2010

Unwelcome Visitors

Hi Judy
Seasons greetings to you. I want to know what to do about this problem! We live at the coast and my home is fast becoming a revolving door with visitors in and out. I don't mind having family members but friends, distant cousins and friends of friends are all beginning to pitch up throughout the year. I feel overwhelmed as if my home is no longer my own.
Joy Bryan

Hello Joy ~ clearly you are being used as accommodation and if the people who are abusing you in this way are bold enough to do this to the extent that they are even adding to their numbers, then you must be bold enough to adopt the same attitude and lay down your boundaries. Be straightforward.  Tell them that you have had to adopt a new family policy that only relations may stay over and visit for holidays.

Hi there Judy
My husband recently took in a couple who said they were homeless. He picked them up during a storm to give them a lift and they ended up here. I told him to get them out of my house but he says I am being both unreasonable and unkind. What do I do? Should I LEAVE? -  Lucy

Hello Lucy
Whatever the conditions are that brought this couple into a state of being homeless, you have to be very cautious about who you invite to stay in your home. You have the safety of your children to think about, your privacy and your resources. I would ask a social worker to call by to see how this couple can be helped. They are sure to investigate their background and possibly place them in a homeless shelter until things improve. For all you know, this couple could be opportunists. Don't get taken for a ride. It is unfortunate that you have let it go to the point where you are considering moving out on their account.

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Thank You For Asking Judy